Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Ketchup Nazis

So if you've lived in L.A. for any extended period of time, you've no doubt heard ALL about Father's Office - the supposed best burger in town. I finally made my way there this Labor Day, after a full day at the beach. I'd even kept my lunch to a minimum, in hopes of savoring this oasis of burgers. Shit, we got there right as the restaurant opened (we chose the Culver City one - figuring it would be less crowded), to make sure we'd get a good outdoor seat. In short, all the variables were in place - I was about to experience this mythic burger I'd heard so much about.

And what, you ask, are my thoughts of this epic red-blooded treat? Over-rated. Plain and simple. Father's Office is known for banishing ketchup from the premises. Their food is so tasty, they must assume, that you won't need it! Wrong. I was DYING for it throughout my meal, particularly for the bland, unsalted fries. Sorry, but the pungent aioli they substituted didn't cut it.

The burger itself was a hearty 1/2 pound or so, and I could tell it was quality meat. But it was over-cooked, for everyone at the table. So if you want medium rare, order it on the rarer side..and if you want medium (as I did), order medium rare, and so on. The toppings include tomato (nicely sliced), arugula (too much of it) and caramelized onions (overpowering). The bun was a french loaf of bread, nicely toasted, but still a little too much bread for me. The highlight of the meal? The beer. I'll hand it to them there - the beer selection is first-rate.

At the end of the meal, I was full, but I can't say I have plans to return. I've experienced this myth and I'm here to tell you it's just that - a myth.

Father's Office

Santa Monica
1018 Montana Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90403
TEL: (310) 736-2224

Los Angeles
3229 Helms Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90034
TEL: (310) 736-2224